In the year 2965 of the Third Age, our heroes met with Círdan, the ancient Elvish shipwright, and his envoy, Galdor of the Havens. Galdor was said to speak with Círdan‘s authority across Middle-earth should Círdan make future requests for the party’s assistance.
Círdan spoke of mysterious dark forces at work along the coastlines of Middle-earth. In particular, he bestowed upon the heroes a quest to uncover what evil forces were at work in Lond Daer.
During their journey of nearly two weeks, heavy rains swelled the Baranduin River, turning the fords into churning torrents. This posed the first challenge to our adventurers. After surviving the river’s perils, the heroes strengthened their bonds and shared more of their backstories.
At last, they reached the port town of Lond Daer. There, they met Horace, the barkeep at the alehouse; Merlovic, the proprietor of the Lond Daer General Store; and Goram, the Dwarvish smithy.
As they explored the city, they uncovered clues pointing to a foul conspiracy: a black-sailed ship hidden in a secret cove and black-cloaked agents roaming the town. An orphan child named Bregor, who had seen too much, was found to be in peril. The heroes raced through the twisting streets, pursued by enemies, determined to keep the witness out of their foes’ grasp.
After rescuing the child, Bregor told them about the black-cloaked figures gathering in an abandoned warehouse. Under the cover of darkness, the heroes discovered the hidden den of these agents. Within shadowy warehouses and waterfront dens, blades clashed in swift, silent combat. Flames crackled as the black cloaks tried to cover their tracks. Amid the chaos, the heroes managed to save incriminating documents from the warehouse, which had been set on fire during the fray.
The heroes emerged singed but victorious, having dismantled the den of corruption. The documents rescued from the flames revealed evidence of local bribery intended to corrupt certain leaders. Soon, these leaders were brought to justice. The heroes departed Lond Daer, knowing they had weakened the enemy’s hold, though the greater threat loomed like a distant storm on the horizon.
There were lots of memorable moments; here were a few that stood out to me:
- Aranel (Andrew) talking to Cirdan in the Quinya tongue about the One Ring
- Rohirrim (Yorric/Gabriel & Adric/Daniel) he-man antics (the “Bro”- hirrim)
- Fennel (Sydney) mourning the loss of flour in the cart but hopping a ride with Adric while her pony meandered downstream to ford the river
- Edwin Alefellow (Evan) bashing the alehouse barkeep’s ‘good stuff’
- Feallog (David) at the smithy fretting about which dwarf had the bigger hammer
- Sylvaris (Nicole) parkouring up the alley walls to get the high ground and shooting down at the black cloaks
- Mistriel (Moriah) using her seafarer skills to net and hook an opponent
- Dimple (Cate) becoming the erstwhile ‘Savior of Lond Daer’ by happenstance
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